Sunday 19 June 2011

Assignment 3 – Developed Concept

The process of form finding was somehow quite difficult, as aesthetics was not the only consideration in designing a building’s façade. Somehow it had to link with the internal spaces, and structural performance is also a main concern (well, at least the façade model has to be self supportive). Many options had been explored during the process, and this is one of the latest sketches that concluded my basic form finding process:

In the sketch, it indicated what I was trying to achieve in my algorithm. As mentioned before, my idea was to have an organic, weaving façade for the southern part of the apartment while having a relatable but distinctively more sculptural façade for the northern apartment. As a result of resolving the architectural problem formally, three main algorithms were used as the basis of form generation.
For the southern façade, a weaving curved floor slab edge which alternated between floors were designed to soften the edges facing the waterfront. The eastern facade (facing the cityscape) and the western facade (facing the waterfront) were distinguished by change of material and amount of aperture on the facades. For the northern apartment, a giant sculptural façade ran through the whole length which, together with easte-facing bulging volumn toawrds the cityscape, makes its prominent presence as the “edge” or "junction" of transformation: difference between the cityscape and waterfront, orthogonal geometry of city built forms and sculptural presence of Sydney Opera House.

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