Monday 20 June 2011

Assignment 3 - GH Experimentation 2

After chucking 3 all-nighters in a row, I finally finished the GH script that I needed for generating basic forms for laser cutting! The process was very painful, as my script consisted of 3 major parts that generated the overall form of the facade, namely the wavy facade (southern apartment), the sculptural facade (northern apartment - facing waterfront)and the bulging facade (northern apartment - facing cityscape). 

Rhino and GH screen capture

Overall perspective

 Overall perspective showing columns 

Overall perspective showing weaving floor slabs

 The Bulging Facade

The Sculptural Facade

Irregular placement of columns

I restructured the weaving algorithm in the previous experimentation by changing the division method and creating weaving edges by moving the points in Y-direction instead of offsetting them from the 3D loft, which allowed the weaving edges to align with the apartment existing levels, as in the elevation

The floors finally aligned!

In order to finish the script on time for my laser cutting submission, some of the parts were duplicated and data were manually entered to achieve the desired outcome. This resulted in the monstrously long GH script as seen in the screen captured image. 

Therefore a major cleaning up and simplifying of the GH script became a major task after the laser cutting submission. The script will be explained in the next post.

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